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High-density peptide array analysis service
We offer a complete service in which we synthesize the High-density peptide arrays , incubate them with your ligand, record the results and send you the recorded images + raw data together with relevant analytical conclusions (e.g. epitope peptides and single-residue epitope mappings). If you have access to suitable recording equipment (array-scanner, fluorescence microscope, SPRi-device etc.) and prefer to do the incubations yourself, then we can still offer to make the digital analysis of your images of the peptide arrays.

In a typical analysis we will scan your peptide array using a laser scanner with 1 µm resolution. The excitation wavelengths used are optimal for probes labelled with Cy3 and/or Cy5 and for other probes with similar absorption. The size of the resulting image will be in the range from 4 mexapixels and up to ca. 2 gigapixels depending on the required resolution in your array. With proprietay imaging software we will then scan all pixels in the image and allocate them to their respective peptide fields. The result is a comprehensive table of data that can be imported into your spreadsheets for further processing. With peptide arrays for identification and/or single-residue substitutions of peptide epitopes, we can make statistical analyses of the data and generate listings of the identified epitope sequences together with the signals obtained from the corresponding peptide fields. For designs with lists of seemingly unrelated peptides, we can map the peptides back to protein sequences in FASTA-files.